The CQMS was established on July 3, 1996. It has more than 150 members in Croatia and abroad. The goal of the CQMS is to gather experts in the field of quality with a view to improving, promoting and spreading policies and developing quality management systems in conformity with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and others. The mission of the CQMS is to improve theory, practice and culture of quality, to support and carry out scientific and expert work in the field of quality management, assurance and control, as well as to foster application of the results of scientific research and professional work to improvement of quality systems in the Republic of Croatia. The CQMS has so far organized and successfully held 25 international symposiums on quality, with participation of around 1100 authors from 40 countries with 920 scientific and professional papers published in symposium proceedings. The high patrons of the 10th symposium held in March 2009 in Zadar, the 15th symposium held in 2014 in Zagreb, and the 20th symposium held in 2019 in Pula were the then-presidents of the Republic of Croatia. The CQMS gathers scientists and experts, quality, environmental, safety and risk managers, as well as auditors, consultants and all others directly or indirectly involved in quality issues, with the aim to:
  • create possibilities for common approach to quality improvement,
  • get organized and promote and popularize quality management systems,
  • spread culture of quality,
  • protect professional interests of its members,
  • uphold scientific and professional personnel in the field of quality management.
The CQMS and its members act in the spirit of quality policy affirmation and improvement of market economy, social responsibility and general democratization of the society. Members of the CQMS are prominent scientists and professionals in the sphere of management systems and other fields: vice-rectors and deans of faculties, prominent university professors, politicians, top managers in Croatian companies, directors of numerous institutions and agencies and practitioners, who daily promote principles of quality management in various business activities in their companies and other organizations. In order to raise competitiveness of the economy and to better position the Republic of Croatia in the international market, the CQMS has launched a series of initiatives, such as:
  • MSEECQI – starting the Middle and South East European Countries Quality Initiative and signing the Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding signed by organizations, faculties and associations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Check Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Romania and Croatia;
  • “Quality as a Strategy” Initiative presented to the President of the Republic of Croatia;
  • “Quality as a Strategy” Initiative presented to the Croatian Chamber of Commerce;
  • “Quality as a Strategy” Initiative presented to the Croatian Employers’ Association;
  • “Quality as a Strategy” Initiative to the Ministry of Administration, including support to the announced project of establishing quality management systems in public administration of the Republic of Croatia,;
  • Initiative presented to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA) proposing establishment of the Scientific Council for Quality within the CASA;
  • “Quality as a Strategy” Initiative presented to the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, which announced preparation of institutional framework for adoption of a comprehensive development strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030;
  • Initiative for establishment of the annual “Dr. Sc. Josip Čiček Award” for best student papers in the field of management systems;
  • and numerous other initiatives.